2 - 5 May 2023 in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, an international seminar on "Trade Union Action on Climate Change and Just Transition in Eastern Europe and Central Asia", organized by ILO/ACTRAV, with the participation of representatives of trade unions of the Kyrgyz Republic, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan began its work.
Sergius Glovackas opened the training with a welcoming speech.
Lene Olsen gave a presentation on climate change and its effects on workers.
Изменение климата является одним из главных вызовов нашего времени.
An inclusive green economy improves human well-being and ensures social justice while reducing environmental risks and scarcity.
Workers' organizations play a crucial role in promoting a green economy, with sectors such as energy, agriculture, forestry, transportation, waste, publishing and printing.
Trade unions will work with the Jogorku Kenesh, business associations and government agencies to implement a program to develop a "green" economy in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is the main coordinating state body for the implementation of PAGE in the Kyrgyz Republic.